NEB Class-12 English : Long and Short Questions & Answers Q.N. 2 & 3 (10 marks)



1. A Matter of Husbands- Ferenc Molnar
1. Briefly describe your impression of the Famous Actress. (2080 Set C)[2]
The Famous Actress is the prominent and one of the central characters in the play "A Matter if Husband".  She is a theatre artist and a famous celebrity who dressed beautifully. She is a real actor of the theatre as well as of real life. Her name itself states that she is a popular actress. She has illicit relationship with the husband of Earnest Young Woman named Albert.
Thus, she is a sophisticated and cunning lady by nature who continues her illicit relationship with Albert even after that.

2. What role does the 'letter' have in the play 'A Matter of Husbands'? 
(2080 Set D)[2]

 The letter in the play "A Matter of Husbands" by Ferenc Molnar is a key plot device. It is the evidence that the Earnest Young Woman uses to believe that her husband, Alfred, is having an affair with the Famous Actress.
    Earnest Young Woman finds the letter in Alfred's coat pocket and reads it. The letter is full of romantic expressions and promises of love, which convinces the Young Woman that Alfred is in love with the Famous Actress.
    The letter also plays a role in the  Famous Actress’s defense. She claims that the letter is a fake, that Alfred wrote it to make her jealous and win her back.
    The letter is a symbol of the Earnest Young Woman's insecurity and jealousy. She is so afraid of losing her husband that she is willing to believe the worst about him.

3. According to famous actress, men associated with theatre use the theatre actresses to make their estranged wives jealous so as to woo them back. Do you agree with her argument? Why? Why not? [5] (2079 Set B)

According to famous actress, men associated with theatre use the theatre actresses to make their estranged wives jealous so as to woo them back. At surface level, we find such things in the play but in fact, A Matter of Husbands reveals a more complex interplay of characters and motivations. I do not agree with her argument due to following reasons:

·        The play is not merely a straightforward tale of a manipulative man and a simple woman. Both the Famous Actress and the Ernest Woman are multifaceted characters with their own desires and vulnerabilities.
·  While the Famous Actress's actions might appear calculated, her motivations are not entirely clear-cut. There's a possibility that she is genuinely attracted to Alfred, or perhaps she's simply enjoying the game of manipulation.
· The Ernest Woman is not a passive victim. She is curious, intelligent, and capable of making her own decisions. Her willingness to be deceived is as much a part of her character as Alfred's manipulation.
· The play can be interpreted as a critique of societal expectations of women, where they are often portrayed as naive or gullible. The Famous Actress's character might be a reflection of this societal stereotype.
Thus, the play is more productive and complex full of power dynamics, gender roles, and personal desires. The relationship between the Famous Actress and Alfred is not merely one of exploitation but a more intricate dance of seduction and manipulation.

4. What favour does Earnest Young Woman ask from Famous Actress?
Earnest Young Woman visits Famous Actress asks for her husband back from her as she comes to know that her husband has fallen in love with the Famous Actress. She loves her husband so much.  She shows the Famous Actress several evidences such flowers, letters and so on and thinks that she has allured her husband by wearing beautiful dress. Therefore, she asks favour from the Famous Actress to return her husband back.

5. Why is the play "A matter of husbands" by ferenc molnar a play of split personality? Elustrate.
A  Matter of Husbands: A Play of Split Personality
Ferenc Molnar's "A Matter of Husbands" can be interpreted as a play of split personality due to the following reasons:
1. Dual Nature of the Female Characters: The play revolves around two primary female characters: the "Ernest Woman" and the "Famous Actress." These characters represent contrasting aspects of femininity - the naive, trusting wife versus the sophisticated, worldly actress.
2.  Deceptive Nature: Both women present deceptive nature to the world. The Ernest Woman is initially portrayed as innocent and oblivious, while the Famous Woman appears cunning and manipulative. However, the play gradually reveals complexities in both characters.
3. Role-Playing and Manipulation: The Famous Woman fabricates a false narrative to manipulate the Ernest Woman, while the Ernest Woman allows herself to be manipulated, showcasing a certain degree of vulnerability.
4.Exploration of Female Psychology: Molnar delves into the complexities of female psychology, revealing the internal conflicts and contradictions that women often experience.
Thus, we can understand how "A Matter of Husbands" can be viewed as a play of split personality.

6. Sketch the character of  Famous Actress.
The Famous Actress is the prominent and one of the central characters in the play "A Matter if Husband".  She is a theatre artist and a famous celebrity who dressed beautifully. She is a real actor of the theatre as well as of real life. Her name itself states that she is a popular actress. She has illicit relationship with the husband of Earnest Young Woman named Albert. As Earnest Young Woman comes to know about her love affair with her husband, she meets her and warns her about it but she (Famous Actress) cunningly persuades her that there is nothing such a bad thing in between them and she gets convinced as well.  
Thus, she is a sophisticated and cunning lady by nature who continues her illicit relationship with Albert even after that.

7. What, according to The Earnest Young Woman, are the indications that her husband has fallen in love with Famous Actress?  (A matter of husbands - by Ferenc Molnar)
According to The Earnest Young Woman, the following are indications that her husband has fallen in love with the Famous Actress: 

  • Her husband is found absent frequently or spends more time away from home, often citing work or other commitments. 
  • He has increased interest in the actress as he frequently admires for her work. 
  • His unexpected gifts such as flowers,  love letter etc. 
  • He has become more distant and less affectionate towards his wife.
8. How does Famous Actress make a fool of Earnest Young Woman?  
Famous Actress is a cunning lady and very slippery in nature. She persuades Earnest Young woman with slippery words and through her false story and makes her believe in sayings. She presents her words powerfully with arguments and becomes able to convince Young Woman that Famous Actress has no any illicit relationship with her husband, Albert. Famous Actress uses the magic of her words playfully to convince Earnest Young Woman about her relation with Albert, her husband and she gets succeed in her way making her trap in her artful ideas.  

9. What do you think about the ending of the play?  
The ending of the play "A Matter for Husband" is justifiable and completely appropriate. The young woman thinks that she has gotten her husband again. She becomes very happy and satisfied at the end of the play. But infact, Famous Actress tells a lie with her and the young woman comes into her trap and thinks they have no affair it is only drama. 
By this, we know that Innocent people always suffer by sharp-witted people because they are often sincere by hearts but the cunning people always take advantage by their innocence and purity. Thus, the ending of the play is too good but full of irony. 


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