Grammar: Concord ( Subject-Verb Agreement)

 Grammar: Concord (Subject-Verb Agreement)


Concord/ Subject-Verb agreement

  Subject-verb-agreement is the correspondence of a verb with its subject in person (first, second, or third) and number (singular or plural).

Rule No.1

  The following subjects always take  singular verbs-is, goes, was etc

  No one, nobody, everybody, everything, something,

  one of, either of, neither of, each of +plural noun….etc.

  A pair of , this pair of, the pair of, the number of +Plural noun… etc.

  For instance:

  Nobody was interested in study. (was/were)

  Each of us is intelligent.(is/are)

  Everything is okay. (is/are)


Rule No.-2

  The verb in two subjects connected by or, either...or, neither…nor agrees with the closest noun or pronoun to  it.

  For example:

  Neither the plates nor the serving bowl goes in that shelf .

  Neither the serving bowl not the plates go in that shelf.

  Neither she, my friends, nor I am going to the city.

  Neither she, I, nor my friends are going to the city.

  She, my friend, and I are going to the city.


Rule No. – 3

  Generally  ‘plural verb’ is used with two or more subjects connected by ‘and’.

  A car and a bike are my means of transportation.

  Two and two make four.

  The teacher and the principal are cooperative.

                Note: but if both subjects give same meaning, we have to use singular verb.

  For instance- Exceptions:

  The bed and breakfast was charming.

  Breaking and entering is against the law.

  The doctor and the producer are coming.

  The doctor and producer is coming.

     Rule No. – 4

  Subject separated from the verb by such words as- along with, as well as, besides, not, in addition to, accompanied by etc take verb according to the subject as they are not the part of the subject. Ignore such words and phrases.

  For instance:

  The politician, along with the newsmen, is expected shortly.

  Excitement, as well as nervousness, is the cause of her shaking.

Rule No. - 5

  If  the noun after ‘of…’ is singular, use singular verb if the noun after ‘of…’ is plural, use plural verb.- Rule No.1

  Exceptions- regarding if indicate portions- a lot, a majority, some, all- follow followings:

  A lot of the vulture has disappeared.

  A lot of the vultures have disappeared.

  A third of the city is unemployed

  A third of the people are unemployed.

  All the vulture is gone.

  All the vultures are gone

   Some of the vulture is missing.

   Some of the vultures are missing.

Rule No. – 6

  Sentences beginning with here or there the true subject follow the verb.

  For example:

  There are four hurdles to jump.

  Here is a high hurdle to jump.

  Here are the keys.

v Use plural verbs in following context:

  These, those, public, cattle, people, police, army, trousers, spectacles, scissors, pants, deer, poultry, sheep, clergy, etc

v The+ adjective suggesting a class of person- use plural verb.

§  The old are weak.

§  The rich are proud.

Rule No. – 7

  Use singular verb with distances, period of time, sums of money, amount and quantities.

  Ten miles is too far to walk.

  Five years is the maximum sentences for that offense.

  Ten dollars is a high price to pay. But- Ten dollars are/were scattered on the floor.

  Ten liters of petrol is not enough for us.

v These singular nouns ending with ‘s’ take singular verb.

v Physics, series, news, measles, mathematics, athletics, wages, the united states, Gulliver’s Travels, politics etc.

  For instance:

  Politics is a dirty game.

  That news was not good for me.

Rule No. – 8

  Some collective nouns such as family, couple, staff, audience, team, jury, government, committee etc may take either a singular or a plural verb depending on their use in a sentence.

  For instance:

  The staff is in a meeting

  The couple disagree about disciplining their child.

  This couple is the best couple in the area.

  Our school team has won the game.

  Our school teams have won all the games.

Rule No. – 9

v Express a wish…/ a regret

  I wish/ if only  + sub +would+v1….

  I wish/ if only + sub +could + V1…..

  I wish/ if only + sub + V2……

  I wish/ if only+ sub +had + v3….

v If sentence:

  If part                                    main part

  V1/V5                          V1/V5   / will/shall+V1

  V2                               ‘d +V1

  Had+V3                      ‘d have +V3

Rule No. – 10

  Some confusing cases…

§  The boy who is reading is my brother.

§  The things which are unnecessary are kept there.

§  Every/each boy and girl is happy today.

§  Many a good man has been destroyed by drink.

§  Many people accept the present legal provision.

§  There is a book on the table.

§  There are books on the table.

§  The number of homeless people has increased.

§  A large/huge number of people have applied for the post.

§  All the water dries.

§  A lot of sugar is harmful for health.

§  A lot of books were sold

§  Most of the people in Nepal are labourious.

Questions for Practice

1.     Simran and her brothers  is/are at college.

2.      Either my mother or my father is coming to the meeting.

3.      The dog or the cats is/ are  playing with children.

4.      Either my shoes or your coat is / are always in the sun.

5.      Jimmy and  Tina don't /doesn’t want to see that movie.

6.      One of my sisters is /are going on a trip to France.

7.      The man with all the  birds live/ lives in the garden.

8.      The players, as well as the captain, desire/desire to win the match.

9.      Every one of those books is / are  short story.

10.   Nobody knows/know  the trouble I've seen.

11.  Mathematics is /are Jack's favorite subject, while Civics is / are Jene's favorite subject.

12.  Eight dollars is / are the sufficient amount of money for common citizen.

13.  Your pants is/are at the laundry.

14.  There was/were seventeen candies in that box.  Now there is only one left!

15.   The committee  debate/ debates these issues carefully.

16.  The committee members lead /leads very distinct life.

(All Images Credit: Google Images)


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