
NEB Grade :12 English : All Exercises of Unit-1 Language Development

  Section: One        Language Development Unit 1 Critical Thinking Reading Know Thyself Critical thinking a.  Have you made your own precept after you read this lesson? What is it? Share it with your friends.   Precept simply means a rule, code, doctrine and guidelinen intended to regulate behaviour or thought. They are generally little life lessons that are usually passed down to children by authority figures such as parents, teachers, or religious figures.  Ofcourse, I have made some precepts after I read this lesson “Know Thyself”. They are as follows:   Protect and preserve human life.    Educate essential for children.   Know and worship God.   Save nature and save life.   Promote collabarative learning. Being honest and kind. Beleive in hard work. b.  According to Josh Lanyon, “If there was one life skill everyone on the planet needed, it was the ability to think with critical objectivity.” Justify this statement with your logic. •       According to Josh Lanyon, “If ther

SEE (Grade:10) English All Poems Exercises (New Course)

Summative Assessment: Assessment Internal Assessment (25 Marks) - Attendance & Classroom Participation : 3 - Listening Test : 8 - Speaking Test: 8 - Score From Terminal Exam: 6 External Assessment (75 Marks) - Reading: 40 - Writing: 24 - Grammar: 11 Specification Grid for Reading:         (40 Marks) 1. Seen Reading Text 1 (5 marks) 2. Seen Reading Text 2   (10 marks) 3. Unseen Reading Text 3   (10 marks) 4. Unseen Reading Text 4 (15 marks) Specification Grid for Writing Skill (24 Marks) 5. Guided Writing Type 1 : Paragraph, descriptive tables/charts/diagram, a set of instructions, recipe, menu, a set of rules and regulations, advertisement and notice ( 5 marks – In about 100 words) 6. Guided Writing Type 2 : News Story, skeleton Story, Message of Condolence, Message of Congratulations, Invitation Letter, Thanksgiving Letter, Biography ( 5 Marks- In about 100 words) 7. Free Writing Type 1 : Paragraph ( Presenting View, Opinion, Experience, Feeling) Leave application, Job Applicati

NEB Class-12 English : Long and Short Questions & Answers Q.N. 2 & 3 (10 marks)

  4. ONE-ACT PLAYS 1. A Matter of Husbands- Ferenc Molnar 1. Briefly describe your impression of the Famous Actress. (2080 Set C)[2] The Famous Actress is the prominent and one of the central characters in the play "A Matter if Husband".   She is a theatre artist and a famous celebrity who dressed beautifully. She is a real actor of the theatre as well as of real life. Her name itself states that she is a popular actress. She has illicit relationship with the husband of Earnest Young Woman named Albert. Thus, she is a sophisticated and cunning lady by nature who continues her illicit relationship with Albert even after that. 2. What role does the 'letter' have in the play 'A Matter of Husbands'?  (2080 Set D)[2]  The letter in the play "A Matter of Husbands" by Ferenc Molnar is a key plot device. It is the evidence that the Earnest Young Woman uses to believe that her husband, Alfred, is having an affair with the Famous Actress. •     Earnest Young W

SEE अनिवार्य सामाजिक अध्ययन (Grade Increment) 2080 (2024) Question Solution Model

  SEE (Grade Increment) 2080 (2024)        GI-1051 अनिवार्य सामाजिक अध्ययन समय : ३ घण्टा                                                                                              पूर्णाङ्क : ७५ दिइएका निर्देशनका आधारमा आफ्नै शैलीमा सिर्जनात्मक उत्तर दिनुहोस् : समूह ' क ' तलका प्रश्नहरूको अति छोटो उत्तर दिनुहोस् :                                           ( ११ X १ = ११) १.    सामाजिकीकरण भनेको के हो ?  -  सामाजिकीकरण भनेको   समाजमा रहका मूल्य मान्यता , चालचलन , नीति नियम , बुझ्ने बुझाउने , सिक्ने सिकाउने प्रक्रिया हो। २.   सुनकोसी मरिण डाइभर्सन आयोजनाको एक फाइदा लेख्नुहोस् । -    सुनकोसी मरिण डाइभर्सन आयोजनाको एक प्रमुख फाइदा :   सिन्धुली , रामेछाप र दोलखा जिल्लाका हजारौँ हेक्टर कृषियोग्य जमिनमा सिँचाइ सुविधा पुर्‍याउनेछ। ३.   घरेलु हिंसाबाट पर्ने एक असर लेख्नुहोस् । -   घरेलु हिंसाबाट पर्ने एक असर: मानसिक स्वास्थ्यमा गम्भीर असर जस्तै - डिप्रेशन ४.   दाइजो प्रथा विरुद्ध जनचेतना जगाउने आकर्षक नारा सहितको प्लेकार्ड तयार पार्नुहोस् । ५.   नेपालमा गणतन्त्र कहिले